for 1 hour weekly coaching calls
(4 sessions per month) with a min of 2 months or 8 sessions
You get FREE copies of all my Templates
(Yes! All of them worth over $400) bundled with the weekly one on one call coaching program.
It does not matter what the stage of your business you can always do with some external help, someone who will look at what you are doing with a fresh pair of eyes, make some suggestions and hold you accountable for goals and targets. Invest in yourself today and start working on your business rather than in it.
No matter the size of your organization there is always room to grow and improve on what you are currently doing. You might be a one man band who works all day, quotes at night, visits new prospects on the weekends and catches up on paperwork where you can. Or you may already have a team around you helping with that, but you still find yourself running around putting out fires and wondering why can’t they just do it like I want them to?
Regards, James Mason Founder – Renovation Junkies